Spanish syllabus A1
Syllabus for the Beginner modules (20h each)
Beginner 1
Introduce oneself
Ask and give personal information
Identify a person in a group
Ask and answer personal questions
Ask and give telephone number
Ask and tell the time
Verb ser
Personal subject pronouns
Gender and number
Definite article
Verb llamarse
Present tense of regular verbs
Verb tener
Verb ser II
Question words
Beginner 2
Ask an address
Locate people, objects, and places
Express existence and absence
Express mood
Express possession and relationships
Talk about the neighbourhood and types of housing
Make a phone ca
Verb estar
Prepositions and adverbs of place
Contractions al y del
Hay / estar; Ser / estar
Indefinite article
Frequently used indefinite pronouns
Present tense of irregular verbs I
Demonstrative adjectives and pronouns
Possessive adjectives
Beginner 3
Express preferences or interests
Ask for products and prices
Express quantities
Describe habits
Express the frequency of some actions
Express agreement or disagreement
Querer / Poder / Preferir / Desear + infinitivo
Direct object pronouns
Pronominal verbs
Reflexive pronouns
Soler + infinitivo
Tambien / Tampoco
Dormir / Dormirse
Beginner 4
Express likes and interests
Compare likes
Talk about hobbies and leisure activities
Ask about health
Express physical sensations
Express pain
Make a medical appointment
Express obligation and need
Make recommendations
Verbs gustar, encantar, apetecer e interesar
Structures A mi tambien / A mi tampoco; (Pues) a mi si / (Pues) a mi no
Indirect object pronouns
Prepositions por y para
Verb llevar (clothes)
Verb doler
Periphrasis of obligation: Deber / Tener / Hay que + infinitivo
Verbs that are confusing (Irregular verbs?): ir / venir; traer / llevar
Beginner 5
Describe an action that is taking place
Talk about future actions
Express plans and projects
Talk about relationships and family
Talk about climate
Talk about actions completed in the recent past that have a connection to the present
Ask and answer positively or negatively if an action has been finished
Ask and answer if something has ever been done
Ask and give opinion
Express agreement and disagreement
Estar + gerundio
Near future tense: ir a + infinitivo
Adverbs of quantity: muy, mucho, poco, bastante, demasiado
Hay / Hace
Llover / Nevar
Present perfect tense
Adverbs of time: ya, todavia (no), aun (no)
Contrast between present tense / present perfect